G i c l e e s


Livingware is commissioned fine hand painted bisque !  Please allow us 4 weeks to paint glaze & ship your Livingware!!

Hiddeb Face $850

Black Face $850

Quartier Latin $850

M U S E $850

Quartier Latin $850

C L O S E D! $850

Giclees ~ ArtJazzCity

Billie  $1000   30" x 24"

D C Metro $1000    30" x 24"

Red Jazz $1000.  30" x24'

On Sztage$1000.  30" x 24"

Spot Light $1000  30" x 24"

Giclees ~Paris

M U S E  $1000.  30" x 24"

Quartier Latin $1000 30" x 24"

DeParis $2500

Olive Oil  $1000.  30" 24"

Lil White Dress $1000.  30"x 24"

Giclees ~ Black Love

Orange Moon $1000   30" x 24"

Redmoon $1000 n 30" x 24"

One People  $1000.  30" 24"

Sapphire. $1000.  30" x 24" $2500

Hair Do00 $1000.  30" x 24"

Metal Mask & Braclets

Metal Mask: mixed media, using wood, silver, bone & leather. Statioary: hand made papers, recycled papers.  All images from the collection of aetist Hiawatha D. 

Painted Bone! $1850

White Head $1250

Brown Back $1250

Brown Back $1250

Painted Brown $1850

Painted Brown $1850

B Neckless $225

Paris 2023  $1000   30" x 24"

dam Eve  $1000.  30"x 24"

Black White House $1000.  30" x24'

OneLove $1000.  30" x 24"

You & Me $1000  30" x 24"

Black Love $1000  30" x 24"

Imagine This  $1000.  30" x 24"

P M $1000

A M  $1000.  30" 24"

Agape Masks $1000.  30"x 24"

Heart & Soul $1000.  30"x 24"

Big Futures $1000.  30"x 24"

Batik Bracelets $150

Black Family $1000   30" x 24"

Jus Black $1000 n 30" x 24"

B 2 B  $1000.  30" 24"

Mo Parking $1000.  30" x 24" $2500

White Party $1000.  30" x 24"


Holiday Box Set 

Holiday  $25   

Mother Mary  $25 

Chessnuts $25 per Box  

Kawanzaa $25

Nguza Saba $25

Boxed Card Sets 

me & my friends Paris $30

 Uptown $30

 Second Avenue $30

Fruits & Veggies $30  Per Box

ArtJazzCity $30 per box

HV Luv $30

Black Love $30 per box

BlackLuv $30  Per Box

Iconic Black Woman

Iconic Black Women $60  per nox

Theses "Iconic Black Women'' paintings by visual artist Hiawatha D., are just a few of many that greet visitors

at the Wonder of Women Gallery (WOW) in Pacific Place shopping mall (600 Pine Street, 3rd Floor, Seattle, WA).

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